Positive - The new plan will be discussed seriously with senior and experienced people and a proper conclusion will also be reached. You will be able to achieve a specific goal with your confidence and fortitude. Any ongoing problem of students regarding their studies will also be resolved.
Negative- Conditions will be a bit unfavorable after noon. If you are thinking of borrowing money from someone at this time, think again or take advice from a senior person. Also take good care of your valuables.
Business - There will be some ups and downs in business matters, but instead of being stressed at this time, find solutions with patience and calmness. Some new plans can be made regarding partnerships. Working people should take care that there is no tension in their relations with higher authorities.
Love- Do not interfere too much in family matters. People associated with you will be happy. To maintain a sweet relationship between lovers, take time for each other.
Health - You may experience body aches and weakness. Protect yourself from changing weather.
Lucky color - orange
Lucky number - 2